Tuesday, April 7, 2009

*ENDED* Crazydog T-Shirts Giveaway *2 WINNERS*

Quippy, quirky, funny, and fun. That is exactly how I would describe Crazydog's t-shirts. I was window shopping online and stumbled across Crazydog, and saw this t-shirt and knew I wanted it! It's so me - as I'm sure you can tell by my style of writing - and I knew it would make other people laugh, which is fun.

The shirt itself is nice quality of fabric, thick, so there isn't any worry that you can see my bra through the front. The image has already survived 3 washing with no signs of wear or cracking, major plus! The fit is roomy enough that if I'm having a "fat" day I don't feel self concious wearing it.

Just take a look at all of these other silly sayings! From old school to trendy there is something everyone will like! Even find tees for the kiddos!

Crazydog is offering TWO Grab Bag readers a tee of their choice!!

How To Enter: Visit Crazy Dog's websiteand tell me which tee you would choose.{THIS IS MANDATORY. PLEASE, INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS}

Extra Entries: Please leave in separate comments
-follow me
-add me on twitter and tweet this contest: (GrabBagReviews)
-add my button to your sidebar
-post about this contest on your blog
-subscribe to Grab Bag Reviews (top left)
-"stumble" this contest
-fave me on technorati

Contest ends April 21th. Please leave your email address.
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Heather said...

My hubby would love the Dunder Mifflin tee.


nfmgirl said...

I may have to choose the one that you show up above, listed on their website as A Squirrel ADD t-shirt. I drive my boyfriend crazy doing things like this. I'll be in the middle of trying to tell him a story or something, and distract myself constantly with observations like "Hey look! A squirrel!"

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Emily B said...

I'd have to choose the "Geology Rocks" shirt for my DH... he has a mining degree! so funny.
ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com

Emily B said...

I blogged here:

Tami said...

I want the "geology rocks" T-shirt. Love it!

Janet said...

gahome2mom at gmail dot com

Win Tee: @GrabBagReviews http://www.grabbagreviews.c...

Twtr: gahome2mom

Unknown said...

I would pick the Marty Mcfly Back to the future t-shirt for my husband


susan said...

I follow on twitter and tweeted. http://twitter.com/susanlanai/status/1470888019

Jingle said...

They have so many! I might get the Flux Capicitor shirt for my dh!

Alice H said...

I love the 80s t-shirts, especially the E.T. one. Thanks for the chance! alicedemske at hotmail.com

Alice H said...

I'm a subscriber via google reader - alicedemske at hotmail.com

Erin Lowmaster said...

My husband likes the you have died of dysentery shirt. I like the Don't Make Me Go Zelda on You! lol

Katrina said...

I love so many of them! But the you have died of dysentery is awesome!

Virginia said...

I would totally get my husband the Roundhouse Kick Range t-shirt


Virginia said...

Made you a favorite on Technorati http://technorati.com/faves/vholley?show=blogs

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

As a mom, I like the Wonder Woman tee, or the One Tough Cookie tee!
garyandalesha at cox dot net

ethnically ambiguous said...

Ok this site is hilarious and choosing just one is a nearly impossible task. However I would choose the Jesus saves (hockey tee) for my husband. hilarious I tell you!

GabbyLowe said...

I like th Bayside Tigers tee-Yeah-Saved by the Bell!

Laura DeLuca

Jenn said...

I would have to get the Oregon Trail one for my husband - he LOVES that game!

jennifernew81 at hotmail dot com

Staci A said...

I love the Milf monster tee-very cute!

Staci A said...

And faved you on Technorati-MommaStaciA.

Heidi V said...


heidivargas [at] live dot com

Heidi V said...

Blogged about the giveaway @ http://theblackcell.com/blogs/?p=13350

heidivargas [at] live dot com

Unknown said...

I love the Spooning leads to forking shirt!

loriandtonytt at comcast dot net

Qtpies7 said...

I would have a hard time choosing between the ADD squirell shirt for my dd and the Squirells can't be trusted shirt for my son.
Not that we are squirell obsessed over here or anything, lol.

Shasta said...

My husband would love so many of those shirts! I'd have to let him choose. I'm going to go with the Beavers Make Sh$t out of wood. He would be all over that, he's weird like that.


Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

your button is already in my scrolling blogroll


Karenladd said...

Hard to choose a favorite but I like the Come To The Dark Side, We have Cookies shirt!
kladd94803 (at) aol.com

Karenladd said...

I follow on twitter as karenladd and tweeted here:

kladd94803 (at) aol.com

Ann said...

I love the Tough cookie t-shirt.
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

finally tweeted!



KristenH said...

There are so many cute T-Shirts that I would love to choose. However, the one I like the most is the MADE IN THE EIGHTIES T-Shirt. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I am a subscriber!


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I have you favved on my Technorati!

Username: wastebasket


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I stumbled your giveaway

Username: wastebasketsa


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