Tuesday, March 3, 2009

*ENDED* Childbirth Giveaway - Binsi Birthing Wear

When my water broke with my youngest, we were living about an hour away from the hospital. We grabbed our bags, dropped the oldest off at my mother-in-laws, and headed on our way. Of course, the first thing they had me do once I was checked in was disrobe and put on the hospital gown. YUCK! My labor never did start on it's own, and so, for 24 hours, I walked the halls of the labor and delivery ward, took the elevator up to the nursery for more walking, and then walked some more in my room. The whole time I was in that ghastly, ugly, completely uncomfortable hospital gown.

If only I had known about Binsi birthing wear at the time! Binsi makes skirts, "Thankinis", and Go-Go tops all designed to be worn while in the throws of labor. The most important article of clothing in this trio, in my opinion, is the Binsi skirt. This is no ordinary skirt, as it's made so that doctors and midwives can have easy access to every part of you. There are legs slits that go high enough that raising your legs for pushing is no big deal, but the flaps overlap, so while you're walking halls, urging labor to come, you are still modest. You can get either snap or velcro closures. I prefered the snaps, just because I hate aligning velcro. HA! There is an adjustable waist, it fits under your belly, and the best part? It's just CUTE! There are even 8 prayer/blessing beads that come with every skirt. You can attach these to the ribbon at your waist with your spouse or friends, and then feel the strength and support radiate all through your birthing experience. I would recommend clearing using the Binsi skirt with your doctor before purchasing, but there shouldn't be an issue!

The other cool items are their tops. There is the Thankini, which is a modified spaghetti strap shirt. It also has snaps that alow the shirt to come apart in various places, so the medical staff can have quick access to every part of you necessary. Then there is the Go-Go top. Made of 90% breathable cotton, this is basically a roomier sports bra. It has the same type of access as the Thankini, with less coverage. Both of these tops allow for super easy post-birthing breastfeeding. I prefer the Thankini for a hospital birth, just because, I wouldn't want the doctors and nurses passing out from my stretch marks. But, if I had one of those perfect pregnant bellies, I'd be working the Go-Go fo sho! (<--- I'm gangsta, didn't you know?) Binsi also has a robe and birth wish bracelets to add to your labor ensemble. I really love the idea of this. Being comfortable and able to move freely with your labor, while at the same time keeping your body accessible to the medical staff. I think the Binsi line would actually make it easier to undress you in the event of an emergency. Rather than untying, unwrapping, and then working, all of these articles just snap or velcro off in one swift movement. It doesn't get any easier! I'm so exciting to birth with Binsi next time! The awesome news is coming, can't you feel it? A lucky mama (or daddy, if he's so inclined) is going to get the chance to win an entire birthing outfit from Binsi! This will include the skirt and top of your choice!

How To Enter: Go to Binsi's website and tell me which top and skirt set you would choose (include color/patterns as well). INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.

Extra Entries:please leave in separate comments
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Contest ends March 17th. Please leave your email address.

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Maggie said... 2

I like the thankini in black and the PrimaMama Sport in red. Thanks for the giveaway!

erin, maker of chimes said... 5

Basic BINSI® in sage green, paired with Thankini Birth Top in black.

Love how they come with the beads too!

dinnertimechimes at aol dot com

Emily B said... 8

I like the Primamama Sport in red and the Thankini top in black mystery.
ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com

Emily B said... 12

I blogged!

susan said... 15

I would love a Thankini in Black Mystery and a PrimaMama Original in Lily.

Unknown said... 17

These are great. I like the Sage Binsi and the Black Mystery Thankini Birthtop

Unknown said... 18

I like the primamama skirt in lily and the thankini in cream epiphany. Thanks for entering me!

Staci A said... 20

I would pick the Prima Mama Skirt in Lily and the Thankini in Black Mystery. These look wonderful!

Staci A said... 24

And I faved you on Technorati-MommaStaciA.

Anonymous said... 25

The black thankini is nice and the red robe is terrific!

Anonymous said... 26

tweeted / lisagee123
GrabBagReviews Binsi Birthing Wear giveaway http://tinyurl.com/cyfwmgless than 20 seconds ago from web

YZgirl4 said... 28

I like the primamam in eclipse and the tankhini in cream epiphany.


Shanna said... 30

I love the Thankini in Black and the Skirt in Sage


ColleenMarie82 said... 31

I like the Basic BINSI skirt in mullberry and the Thankini Birth Top in Black mystery.


Anonymous said... 35

i like this skirt in navy:
BINSI® PrimaMama Sport

and this top in cream epiphany:
BINSI® PrimaMama Sport

autumn398 (at) yahoo.com

Heather said... 38

I have heard raves about their birthing wear! I would try the PrimaMama Sport and the Thankini Top!

mogrill said... 40

Love the Prima Mama Sport!! Thanks for the Chance.


mel said... 41

I would choose the Thankini top in black and the Binsi skirt in sage.


Jessica Cote said... 42

I would get the Thankini Top in Black and the Basic Binsi skirt in mulberry!


Maggie Smith said... 43

I'd like the Prima Mama in Ivy along with the Thankini in Cream!

I would love this!!

newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com

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Maggie Smith said... 44

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newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com

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Maggie Smith said... 45

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newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com

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Maggie Smith said... 46

I faved you ((royaldixie)

newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com

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Hannah said... 47

Great Giveaway! I LOVE Binsi's products! I'd love the Ivy Prima Mama Original with the Black Thankini top.

Heidi said... 49

I really like the red PrimaMama Sport skirt and the Black Mystery Thankini.

Erin said... 52

I would love to have this outfit!
PrimaMama Sport in Red & the Thankini in Black.

eadamsdesigns at gmail dot com

Candyce said... 54

Definitely the PrimaMama Original in Eclipse and the Thankini in black. Thank you so much for this giveaway!

ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

yyeres said... 55

I like the Basic BINSI in Mulberry and the BINSI Thankini in Black Mystery. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said... 56

I like the Thankini in Black Mystery and Basic Binsi in Sage. :)


Leane said... 60

I would love the 'Limited Edition Amy Butler Fabric PrimaMama Skirts' in Lily! For the top: Thankini Top in Cream Epiphany!!


Leane said... 61

I have the GBR Baby Fever Week Button!! You are giving me the fever! webleane{at}yahoo{dot}com

Leane said... 62


I have the GBR Baby Fever Button



Leane said... 63

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carolpie said... 64

My fav top is the tankini but my fav outfit is the
PrimaMama Original in the light purple color.

Buki Family said... 65

i like the PrimaMama Original in lily, and i like the Thankini top for the extra coverage!
sabeckstrom at yahoo dot com

icefairy said... 66

I'd choose the Thankini in black and Prima Mama Skirt in Lotus. Thanks for the giveaway!
beatspammer at gmail dot com

icefairy said... 67

Follow and tweeted
beatspammer at gmail dot com

icefairy said... 69

Blogged about this giveaway!
beatspammer at gmail dot com

AmyLynn said... 70

I really like the BINSI® PrimaMama Original in venus and the BINSI® Thankini in black mystery.

trixx said... 75

I'd pick the Eclipse PrimaMama Original skirt & Black Mystery Thankini.

liliesrnice said... 76

If I win I'd like the black mystery thankini and the mulbery binsi skirt. I'm giving birth in a few weeks and this would be such a nice looking comfy outfit to wear.

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