Tuesday, February 17, 2009

*ENDED* Honestbaby Giveaway!

Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it's just hilariously funny. I have recently become a fan of Honestbaby's laughable one-liners. My youngest son has their "I'm My Mom's Job" tee, that serves as a gentle (or not so gentle) reminder that, even though I don't receive a paycheck, I still work hard. See the dirty shirt to the left? Yup. That's going to take a lot of hard work to clean!

Honestbaby has a plethora of cute sayings that were coined by Jill Besnoy. These include "Sharing Is Over-Rated" "I'll Walk When I'm Good And Ready" and "I'm Not A Performing Monkey". HILARIOUS! No parent is perfect, we all make mistakes, and this was the driving force behind Honestbaby. Here is the story!

Honestbaby was founded by a mom frustrated with the myth of perfect parenting.

From the moment a new mother holds her baby, she’s bombarded with the “right” and “wrong” way to parent; breastfeeding, ferberizing, nipple confusion, the family bed, Baby Einstein, organic food, pacifiers…everyone has an opinion.

Whether it’s other new moms, family, friends, or self-proclaimed parenting experts, they push their views and make us doubt our ability as parents. Desperate for answers and prone to guilt, we believe everything we’re told.

Until we realize…there is no “right” way to raise a child and few women can live up to those super mom expectations anyway.

honestbaby is a place where it’s okay to tell your real stories, the good and the bad, without being judged. Where parents can admit they’re just giving it their best shot. Because truly that’s all that we can really do.

It’s time to bring parenting back to where it belongs – humorous, light, enjoyable and above all realistic. It’s time for all parents to celebrate imperfect parenting.

Now onto my favorite part of the show. Of course I love trying cool new things, but it's always better to give than to receive. I love that I get to share Honestbaby with you guys! And someone VERY lucky is going to pick their very own Honestbaby shirt!

How To Enter: (MANDATORY ENTRY) Go to Honestbaby's website and check out their line. Then come back and tell me about your most imperfect parenting moment. INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.

Extra Entries:please leave in separate comments
- add Grab Bag's Baby Fever button to your sidebar (you also earn 2 extra entries to every Baby Gever giveaway by doing this!)
-follow me
-add me on twitter and tweet this contest: (GrabBagReviews)
-add my button to your sidebar
-post about this contest on your blog
-subscribe to Grab Bag Reviews (top left)
-"stumble" this contest
-fave me on technorati

Contest ends March 8th. Please leave your email address.

Honestbaby is a Playdate Pick!

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love the shirts- adn love the sharing is overrated...

most imperfect goes on everyday- we learn as we go..

with my first I did not have enough diapers and had to do a drop and retape because I did not have tape and used stickers in my purse to hold the diapers shut- yep those dryers do help when you are out

susan said... 2

We've had a few falls (with hust some cries, nothing broken) ~ Talk about being imperfect! Ugghh!

Aimee said... 4

Just wanted to let you know that the link brought me to Nature bag instead of honest baby...however I did get to the website via google.

Being a Mom of a four monther means I have less stories, but to me they seem more traumatizing. So on Halloween, we brought my daughter to the Mall of America. We were using her travel system with the carseat attached to the stroller. We were there all day, so inevitably she got fussy a few times and we deemed it safe for her to lay in the reclined car seat without her seatbelt so that it was easier to pick her up. When we got tired, we proceeded to go home. Halfway home, we realised that she was STILL NOT BUCKLED! I felt horrible! I cried as I buckled her in, driving down a busy highway...we're all fine, thankfully. And I've been assured I'm not the only one.

As for the shirts, I am stuck between "I am my Mom's job" and "Back off, I'm teething"

ABCD Diaries said... 5

these are super cute:) as for my imperfection my scariest moment was also when i realized i hadn't re-buckled my newborn into his carseat after getting him out at the store. i put him back in with his blanket and a little while later into the car without even thinking to check and when we got home i took the blanket off and just about died when i realized he wasn't buckled:( we live and we learn:) thanks for introducing these adorable tees!

Liz said... 7

I swear I'm not copying Aimee's comment! After a long day out, I nursed my daughter and put her back in her carseat (part of the travel system). I apparently forgot to buckle her back in because she was unbuckled when we got home--after at least 20 minutes in the car. I felt so terrible, but at least nothing happened and she was too small to flip herself out or anything!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said... 8

LOL I don't remember being a perfect parent so far. ;) My most imperfect to date well... I was sick. And my husband brought her in to me so I could feed her, I was so out of it and slow to react. She fell off the bed. Not just off the bed, in between the bed and the nightstand. Somehow her head landed perfectly on a pillow. *sigh*

I like the "I'm My Mom's Job" shirts, very true!!!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said... 14

Entry #1 : I also blogged about your upcoming event on my blog


Laurel said... 15

yup - the link doesn't work. but. after finding honestbaby, it's great!

here's my bad-parent story of... TODAY! so i was reading blogs via google reader and all of a sudden noticed the suspicious silence coming from the kitchen / living room where my two-year-old was playing. she had pulled a kitchen chair over to the counter (her newest trick, and the one that is going to make me go gray the fastest!)... and had gotten into a box of chocolates and was stuffing them into her face.

not too bad unless you realize that she is allergic to milk - and these were milk chocolates stuffed with caramel, which is made with milk. ARGH!!!!

(she's fine.)

Laurel said... 16

i follow you via the google reader that i was reading while i should have been paying attention to my child!

Jenn said... 17

goodness these T's are so cute!

I'm sure I have had plenty of moments but the one that comes to mind right now was when A was about 3mo old. we were out running errands and he had a major blow-out in his car seat. notorious for being under prepared I had no change of clothes for him so he spent the rest of the afternoon sporting a bright fuchsia onesie my friend had for her daughter. I have to admit my boy does look good in pink though!


Miss Spoken said... 20

Forgetting early dismissal and the school having to call me

Maggie said... 21

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that has forgotten to buckle the car seat. I realized it while driving and stopped on Key Bridge (in DC) with my hazards on so I could reach back and buckle him. I was so shaken up it was hard to drive home.

ecky said... 23

it's hard to think of just one...
how bout when we were on the way to my husband's grandma's funeral and our daughter vomited avocado all over herself and her pretty dress. i mean ALL OVER. i had packed everything BUT a change of clothes...so we wiped her off and she spent the entire day visiting with relatives in a vomit-soaked dress (luckily the dress had lots of green accents already.) delicious!!

elkesten at yahoo dot com

judybrittle said... 24

The one that I will never forget is I was getting ready to go for a weekend camp with my daughter and my youngest daughter disappeared a couple minutes later. We were shouting for her and searching all around. We were just about to call the police when my middle daughter found her in bed fast asleep. That was the first and last time I turned my back on the kids.

Nadi said... 25

When my son was a newborn (he is our first kid...hint hint), we didn't know how to snap the baby carrier well into the stroller, and when we took him out for a walk one day, we hit a bump in the road and the baby carrier went up in the air and fell down on the sidewalk with a thump.
Needless to say we made sure the darn carrier was super well snapped into the stroller after that. Thankfully, the handle of the carrier was raised and protected our baby's whole body from coming into contact with the ground and our baby didn't get the slightest scratch. In fact, he was smiling at us when we picked him up, unaware of anything. I guess if those things are built to protect our little ones in a car crash, they can survive a 3 feet fall.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

annies home said... 28

how about having to use a dishtowel for a diaper when I ran out with the twins smart but embarrasing


Sheila Hickmon said... 29

Oh, probably yesterday when I was letting my daughter jump on the floor at the store, and she jumped right into the shopping cart and had to get stitches. :(
Cute giveaway!!

Sheila Hickmon said... 30

I forgot my email in the last one!
But I also follow you!

Sheila Hickmon said... 31

I have your button! http://mom2anutball.blogspot.com


Anonymous said... 32

Just before my 3 year old daughter was completely potty trained we went shopping. And yes she had an accident and I forgot all the diapers and wipes. I was at Toys R Us and the sales person let me grab a pack of diapers and wipes and take her to the bathroom to change her and then pay for them. Lets just say that mistake cost me over $20. After that I kept a diaper and travel wipes in my purse and car at all times. Thank you for a great giveaway!

Annmarie Weeks said... 33

I have imperfect parenting moments all the time. One that I remember is when my daughter was about 18 months old. We were at the grocery store and I was filling up the cart. I was in the dairy section and had just put a carton of eggs in the cart. I went over to get something else that I needed and turned to see that my daughter had opened the egg cart and was throwing eggs all over the floor! Aaaggghhhh....

Andrea said... 34

Hmmm...when I've forgotten to turn the baby monitor on and my poor baby was crying SOOOO hard by the time I heard her!!

billie the girl said... 35

The 2nd day we had pooka i cut her diapers so they would fit her little tushy and got diaper 'insides' evvvvvery where. I felt like the worst parent ever.

Amy, Jared, Cadance and Brody said... 36

There are so many it's hard to just pick one. How about how my three year old daughter asked me "what my freakin problem was" when I was getting up set with her for not listening. Wake up call.....don't say freakin around a three year old:)

Amy, Jared, Cadance and Brody said... 37

I added baby fever button-2

sushi_noem said... 41

I left the house without diaper covers or wipes and my daughter had a huge blowout at Kohl's. I had to try to use paper towels to clean her up, and she stunk up the whole bathroom. I had to shop for pants with her just wearing her cloth diaper, and take the dirty one out to the car because it smelled so bad.

Staci A said... 42

My imperfect moment of today (since there's far too many others to choose from) would be my 4 year old falling off my parent's dining room table. I was talking to my mom and turned to find he had crawled up on the table to watch something grandpa was doing. As I told him to stay completely still, he whipped around and fell. Luckily, he managed to do it without a single bump or bruise, but I felt awful.

I love the "I'm not a performing monkey" tee!


Staci A said... 45

And I faved you on Technorati-MommaStaciA-thanks!

wigget said... 46

i have so many imperfect parenting moments, one of which is when i give in to the constant whining of my 4-year-old

rosannepm said... 48

I've had 4 sons and have probably too many to count but some of the ones I feel most badly about were yelling at my kids which I don't do at all anymore or being late sometimes very late in picking them up from activities. rosans4@comcast.net

Kama said... 51

I was sitting here thinking that I didn't have an imperfect parent moment yet since my son is only 5 months old and then it hit me...WHEN I LOCKED HIM IN THE CAR. Well, I was driving my mom's van and it needed gas, so I got out my credit card and grocery card to get the discount. Then I closed the door. I then started pumping and went to get back in because it was cold. Uh, the door doesn't open!! None of the doors open. The baby is asleep in the back. Somehow I had locked the door...with my cell phone, purse, keys, baby, everything inside!! I of course don't know any phone numbers since they are in my cell phone, so I can't call my husband (and we didn't have a spare key anyway). The station worker came and told me he'd call the locksmith, but they said it would take 45 minutes! Uh, that won't work, so they told me to call 911. I did and thankfully the fire station was less than a mile away because my baby JUST WOKE UP and is crying! Yes, I'm the frantic mother standing in the middle of the parking lot looking for the fire truck when it arrived. They told me I had to sign a paper in case they had to break the window, so I say, "BREAK THE WINDOW. I don't care, just get him out!" Thankfully they didn't have to and it was over in a matter of minutes. My baby was fine, but it sure was humbling!!

The Keller Family said... 52

Oh gosh! The drive home from the hospital... we forgot the little cusion thing you put in a car seat for small infants and the car seat was so overwhelmingly huge, it was like he wasn't in one. I ended up putting rolled up Tshirts on either side of him. I sat next to him and Daddy drove VERY VERY cautiously! Whoops! Talk about starting out on the wrong foot!

The Halton Mom said... 54

Oh too many to count on these shirts. I giggled after reading each one. My fav is "I'm not a performing Moneky" second fav, "I heard Einstein starting talking late". They are great.

Imperfect Mommy moment?
Hmmm. I imagine I never do too great. I think the top of the list would be my early morning doses while the kids watch tv. I really should start drinking coffee.
Thanks for the opportunity.

lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com

Abby said... 55

I love the "don't expect a lot, I'm big for my age".

As for my bad mommy moment, I was letting my son run around naked after his bath last week which is a bad idea and I good pooped on. I guess I deserved it!


Deirdre said... 59

love the shirts - back off I'm teething would be perfect for my 9m old!

I zippered my daughters neck 2x in one week with her pjs and winter coat - it was horrible!

Danielle M. said... 60

When putting my 9 month old daughter in the car one day I left her treasured blanket on top of the car leaving it behind. I don't think she ever noticed the blanket was gone but I was heartbroken.

dmmarklin at bresnan dot net

ColleenMarie82 said... 61

Well one of my imperfect Mom moments was like what many other people mentioned leaving her unbuckled in the carseat while driving I have also left the base unbuckled once AHHH i know we have guardian angels watching over us.


Unknown said... 62

those are so cute! I left my baby for a second in the swing and did not buckle her when i came back she was on the floor. so sad. amsbolda@hotmail.com

Shanna said... 64

Love these shirts. The back off I am teething one is great!

Only one imperfect moment??

When my oldest daughter was a baby I changed her after a late night nursing session and forgot to put a diaper back on. Just zipped her jammies back up. Everything had to be changed when I went back in. :)


Maryann said... 65

My imperfect parenting moment...Matthew was only 18 months old and he had been diagnosed with Hypotonia (low muscle tone) at 8 months old. It took him a lot of physical therapy and a long time to learn to walk but by 18 months old he could toddle fairly well...or at least we thought so. That morning he had been at the lab to get 9 vials of blood drawn! and then we were on our way for an 11 hour drive to my in-law's home. We had stopped for lunch and as we were heading out to the car I had one of Matthew's hands and my husband had the other. I used the key fob to unlock and open the side door on our mini van. The three of us could not fit side-by-side between the cars and I figured that my husband had Matthew's hand so I let go. The problem was that my husband had the exact same thought and he too let go of Matthew's hand. Our little boy toddled to the door but on his unsteady feet he took a tumble, right into the bottom corner of the open side door, with his forehead. That wasn't the worst of it, he spun and fell again striking the side of his head, and then spun one last time striking the back of his head. Of course I called our pediatrician from a state away and they assured us he was OK because of what physical symptoms we were describing, but by the time we got to my in-laws it looked like we had thrown him down the stairs or something. He had needle marks on his arm, a huge goose egg on his forehead, a cut on the side of his head and a cut on the back of his head. We were afraid to take him out to dinner thinking people would believe we had abused him or something. My poor baby!
mehmig from BTB

ky2here said... 66

Most imperfect is losing my patience and yelling - I really regret it.

Candie L said... 67

When my oldest son was just born, no one warned me to cover him while I change him. Needless to say I received a shower I was not expecting. Thank you.


Candie L said... 68

I subscribed in a reader. Thank you.


Anonymous said... 69

Gosh, which memory shall I choose? First time I ever took my child out of the house, I forgot her bottle AND her pacifier! That child screamed and squalled the whole time we sat in the doctor's office! I was a puddle of sweat and swore to never leave the house again without back up paccy's in the car! YIKES! Great website and a great motivation for us "normal moms".

Maggie Smith said... 70

My most imperfect parenting situation:

When my son was about 5 months old, he was just starting to roll over. Every morning I would bring him into bed with me and we would cuddle, read books and I would take some pictures of him. Well, I went to go and get my camera *like always* and he rolled off the bed! He screamed and screamed and I cried and cried. i felt like the world's worst Mommy. Now that Dexter is a year old, he has hit his head more times than I care to admit. If I had known then what I know now, I am sure I would have still felt badly but I wouldn't have beat myself up so much!

newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com

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